Our Story

Image of Children Laughing Together at Second Home

In 2007, more than 90% of the children who attended Spotswood Elementary lived in families whose income fell well below the federal poverty level. Because Parents could not find affordable care, children stayed home alone while parents worked.

Ann Conners, the Principal of Spotswood Elementary School, called the neighboring Muhlenberg Lutheran Church for help. In response, the pastors rallied church and community members and local businesses, and they developed Second Home, a fully licensed before and after-school daycare center for the children housed in Muhlenberg’s Activities Center.

Our Mission

Teachers at Second Home provide care for 100 children in grades k-5 before and after school. Since 2007, Second Home’s reach has expanded to 5 schools in Harrisonburg City.

Families pay a low fee that holds the spaces for their children, and to cover part of the real costs of the program. No child is turned away due to financial need thanks to donations from individuals, businesses, churches, and clubs as well as fundraising events, and grants from United Way, HCPS, Harrisonburg City, and other donors.

Image of a Second Home tutor helping a child